New Publications from K. Soraya Batmanghelichi, Post-Doctoral Research Scholar

In addition to the incredible events that Dr. Batmanghelichi has helped organize this year, such as Surveillance and the Mosque and Intimacies Days I&III, Soraya has also published two new pieces of scholarship.

First, as part of a book symposium, A Letter to Foucault: Selectively Narrating the Stories of Secular Iranian Feminists“, she published a review of Behrooz Ghamar-Tabrizi’s Foucault in Iran: Islamic Revolution after the Enlightenment.

Second is an article published in partnership with Leila Mouri, a scholar and activist she holds a MPhil in Middle Eastern Studies from Columbia University and second Master’s degree in Women’s History from the University of London, Royal Holloway. The article, titled “Cyberfeminism, Iranian Style: Online Feminism in Post-2009 Iran“, was published in Feminist Media Histories, Vol 3. No. 1, Winter 2017.

Soraya also continues to work on her upcoming book about sexuality in contemporary Iran, which she plans to have published by the end of the year.

Category: News Publications