Religion Studies Dissertation Working Group & Research Grant
The IRCPL sponsors a working group for dissertating graduate students from departments across campus whose work is on religion and its place in public life. The group meets weekly to share and discuss their dissertation’s progress and provide critique, assistance, and support.
Any Columbia University graduate student whose dissertation deals with the topic of religion may apply to join the working group. Current group members will review applications for suitability. In order to maintain a productive environment, the group will be limited to ten members, and regular attendance and participation are expected.
An optional $250 research / travel grant, to reimburse students traveling to present papers at conferences or to be put toward expenses associated with dissertation research, is also available to working group members who attend and participate regularly throughout the year. In order to be eligible for the grant, the student will additionally be expected to attend IRCPL’s public events and, at least three times during the academic year, write a brief (500-1,000 word) discussion of an event, to be published on Examples of previous essays are available here. For more information on the research grant, email [email protected].
To apply to the working group:
Send your name, department, and year to [email protected], along with a brief description of your project and your background in the study of religion. Please limit your application to no more than 2 pages.