
The Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life hosts a variety of events and projects producing various media and publications.

The publication series Religion, Culture, and Public Life, sponsored by the IRCPL in partnership with Columbia University Press, is devoted to the investigation of the role of religion in society and culture today.  This series includes works by scholars in religious studies, political science, history, cultural anthropology, economics, social psychology, and other allied fields whose work sustains multidisciplinary and comparative as well as transnational analyses of historical and contemporary issues. The series focuses on issues related to questions of difference, identity, and practice within local, national, and international contexts. Special attention is paid to the ways in which religious traditions encourage conflict, violence, and intolerance and also support human rights, ecumenical values, and mutual understanding. By mediating alternative methodologies and different religious, social, and cultural traditions, books published in this series will open channels of communication that facilitate critical analysis.

Rethinking Religion features radio episodes which explore the intersection of religion and culture in contemporary society.  They are also available on iTunes U.  The most recent project under the Rethinking Religion umbrella is a three-part series of one-hour radio episodes, “New Directions in Prayer.”  All three complete episodes in the series are available streaming.


Audio recordings of IRCPL’s public events are part of our Public Lecture Series.  They are also available on iTunes, where you can subscribe to receive notifications when new lectures appear.  You can also read responses to these events, offering commentary and analysis on religion in the public sphere.