Category: Discussion

Faith-Friendly Secularism

By Joe Blankholm  A response to a public conversation with Denis Lacorne on October 6, 2011.  Denis Lacorne’s engaging lecture at the Maison Française last Thursday echoed the thesis of his most recent book, Religion in America: A Political History, the third volume in the IRCPL publication series. The book traces two competing narratives in…

Category: Discussion

Religion in America

By Denis Lacorne Publish Date: July 26, 2011 An excerpt from the introduction of Religion in America, the third volume in the publication series by Columbia University Press and the Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life. There is general agreement that the United States is the most religious of advanced Western democracies. The level…

Category: Discussion

Coloring the Spiritual Landscape

By Courtney Bender A response to Refiguring the Spiritual, a public conversation with artist Laurie Anderson on February 10, 2011. As Laurie Anderson told us that evening, somewhere in the warren of buildings and computers and machines at NASA in Houston sits a man whose job it is to put color…

Category: Discussion